Spider-Man 2 is the game that takes the first two games and doubles it. It’s a monumental feat to follow up with the bangers that were Spider-Man 2018 and Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Yet, Insomniac Games has delivered a hit AAA open-world Spider-Man game that is truly impressive in its scale. Spider-Man 2 follows Peter and Miles on their separate journeys that ultimately weave the webs of their destinies to stop the game’s impending big boss. We get twice the number of heroes, twice the amount of the original map, twice the number of alternate costumes, and much more.

I wish I were lying when saying the game made me cry, but I’m not. The main story of Spider-Man 2 is phenomenal and pushes players to immerse themselves in its plot. The story follows the theme of second chances. Peter, Miles, and the villains from their rogue gallery have redemption arcs that display the different sides of the people. Peter goes on a journey of learning to show up for himself the same way Spider-Man shows up for others. Miles battles his inner fear of not being a good enough hero. Peter’s and Miles’ stories intertwine as they mold the Spider-Men into who they need to be to stop the giant, world-ending threat at the story’s end. Not only did I cry while completing the main story, but I also cried during some of the side quests.
The side quests in Spider-Man 2 offer a delightful variety of experiences, giving players a taste of what it’s like to be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. From helping a student, Vijay, plan the ultimate promposal to assisting a particular villain in his redemption, each quest is a unique and engaging story. Sitting with a woman’s grandfather as he reminisces about his past and supporting Howard’s transition to flying high are just a few examples of the rich storytelling in these side quests.

The story isn’t the only good thing about the game. Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2 found new and inventive ways to upgrade the gameplay experience. The game features new gadgets, suit upgrades, various costumes, a gliding mechanic, and improved web-swinging. Miles receives an upgrade to his venom blast abilities that makes him a worthy foe for Kraven and Venom. Not only does Peter’s spider arms return, but we also get to see black-suit Spider-Man in action. The abilities gifted through his relationship with the symbiote make for a good ole combatting time.

My biggest gripe is more of a personal gripe, but the return of Mary Jane’s stealth missions did not need to make a return. At least this time around, she received a few upgrades. MJ rocks the Symkarian stun gun with a web and frequency attachment to incapacitate her enemies. Also, getting caught is not the end all, be all. The name of the game is Survival.
Daddy Kraven (don’t judge me) and Venom make great foes that push the Spider-Men to their limits. Kraven pushed the inner beast inside Peter close to its peak before making Harry the apex predator. Kraven’s immense strength shines brightly throughout the story as he can take down many of Spider-Man’s villains and almost succeeds at taking out Peter. The symbiote made Harry a threat to fear.

Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2 is one of this year’s best open-world AAA games marvels (pun intended) to the gaming world. If you were on the edge about getting the game, I’m here to put those worries to ease. Spider-Man 2 is a solid 9/10 and a great contender for Game of the Year. Spider-Man 2 is available on PlayStation 5 now.
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